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5 ways to generate leads for your trade business in 2021

seo mindmap

Promoting a trade business today requires a mix of modern and traditional methods to put you front and centre of client’s phones and laptops. Gone are the days of the yellow pages and in their place are Google searches and webpages. Here are our top 5 ways to generate leads for your trade business.

1.      Google Business Listing

In the internet age we live in, an online presence is a must for any trade business looking to get ahead.

If you haven’t already, make sure you list your business on Google my business. This is the yellow pages of the internet era and allows your business to be seen on google maps, and google searches. The first thing people do when looking for a Tradie is to Google it, and if they can’t find you, you won’t get their business.

Listing your business on google is the best place begin, when promoting your business online. It also allows customers to leave Google reviews on your business profile. A great opportunity to showcase customer satisfaction to future potential clients.

63.6% of consumers check Google reviews before engaging with a business with higher ratings leading to higher levels of trust. However, having a negative review will drive clients away (94% said a negative review drove them away from a business). Don’t let that deter you as the benefits far outweigh potential negatives, having an online presence is much more important as this legitimizes your business in the eyes of potential clients.

If your customer is happy with your service ask them to leave you a review on google.

2.      Website

Next, you’ll want a website. A well designed and branded website will make your business look credible, professional and trustworthy. 30% of consumers won’t even consider a business that has no website. You’ll need to make sure your website is modern, presentable and has a smooth user experience on both computer and mobile phone.

In addition, having a well designed website will help you rank higher on search engines, which we’ll get into later.

Some basic features you may want include on your website are:

  • Simple URL (eg.
  • Sleek, modern design
  • Professional branding
  • Accreditations
  • About us page
  • Quote request page/ contact us page
  • TestimonialsTo implement these, we recommend investing in a quality web developer or marketer such as E-Web.

3.      Search Engine Optomisation (SEO)

What Is SEO And Why Is It Important?














Another thing to consider when building your online strategy are techniques for search engine optomisation (SEOs). These are methods for increasing your rank on search engines such as Google. The higher you rank against your competitors the more likely you will be to generate leads.

Think about how often you’ll go to the second page of Google? There’s a big difference between landing on page 1 and page 2. In fact, 92% of all traffic goes to page 1 in an average search.

User experience

The first step in SEO is ensuring that your website is of high quality. Some factors search engines consider are:

  • Loading times
  • Broken links
  • Quality of mobile experience
  • Technical errors

Google provides online tests for load times and mobile experience. If your site is found lacking, contact your web developer about how to improve it.

Use of keywords

Think about a time a client would need your service. Maybe they have a broken switch in a fuse box and they live in Peakhurst. What are they going to type into Google? Maybe ‘Electrician Peakhurst’. If your website uses those exact terms throughout its content, then you’re more likely to appear in their search.

Mind you that doesn’t mean you should spam keywords in every single paragraph, as major search engines penalize sites for that. It needs to be done in a way that is natural and easy to read.

First, you’ll need to find the best keywords for you. Some tools you can use are SEMrush or the Google Keyword Planner. You’ll want a range of keywords that are:

  • Popular – Eg. ‘Electrician’
  • Specific – Keywords more specific to your business. This will mean you’re competing with fewer businesses for that top spot. ’24 hour electrician’.

Next, you’ll want to put those keywords through your websites content. Talk to your web developer about additional places on your site that can use these keywords.


Another thing to consider are backlinks – These occur when another website links to your site. This is seen by search engines as an indication of the popularity and relevance of your webpage.

One way to increase backlinks is to create high quality content. For example, if you post informative content such as a blog, related to your services, other websites are then more likely to link to your page.

4.      Social Media

Facebook Ads - Reviews, News and Ratings













Social media is everywhere these days and is an easy opportunity for you to put your best foot forward and generate leads.

The largest social media platform for business is Facebook, so set up a profile on there. If you have the time, you can also set up Instagram, twitter and linkedin, to get seen in more places.

What to post

Firstly, you’ll need branding, contact details and a link to your website. From there developing your content strategy is key.  Unique and engaging content will attract more interaction and help build a follower base.   Building your follower base takes a lot of time and effort, so don’t be deterred if you don’t generate leads immediatley.

Posting regularly and replying to followers shows you’re professional and care about your business.

You can also ask your clients to write a review or a post about your services.

Click here for more tips.

Facebook ads

Facebook ads are a cost-effective way to generate leads for your business. There are many ways to advertise on Facebook, with results varying depending on your industry. Messenger Ads are particularly good for advertising locally. Here is a guide on Facebook advertising for tradies.

It is always best to consult digital media advertising consultants to ensure your getting the best bang for your advertising buck.


5.      Traditional Methods of Generating Leads

Word of mouth

Both on and offline is an effective and common way tradies generate business. 92% of consumers around the world say they trust recommendations from friends and family, much higher than reviews at 70%.

So how do you get word of mouth started? Providing high quality service and building friendly rapport with clients will inevitably generate word of mouth referrals. Don’t be afraid to offer a friend referral program to existing customers.

Vehicle Signage

Having a well branded sign on your vehicle is a great way to build local awareness as you travel to the jobsite and around your local area. This gives you the opportunity to pick up clients looking for your service.

At Tradiespec, our mission is to help tradies across Australia with insights and advice to drive your business forward. Whether it’s tips on vehicle selection, how to manage your fleet or insurance information, we’ve got you covered.

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